What is Voice Cord Filling?

Voice cord filling is a procedure performed to increase the elasticity and volume of the vocal cords. Over time or due to excessive use, the vocal cords may become worn, thinned, or damaged. This filling procedure can restore the vocal cords to their former strength. Voice cord filling is suitable not only for professional singers or those who use their voice professionally but also for anyone who wants to have a stronger and clearer voice in daily life.

So, how does voice cord filling work? The vocal cords vibrate to produce sound while speaking or singing. However, over time, the vocal cords can lose their elasticity. Voice cord filling compensates for this loss by adding volume to the vocal cords, allowing for a more powerful sound output. Fillers are typically based on hyaluronic acid, as this substance is compatible with the body’s natural structure and is biologically harmonious.

Who is Voice Cord Filling Suitable For?

Before answering this question, it is important to highlight how common vocal cord issues are. Particularly with aging, volume loss and weakening of the vocal cords are frequently observed. Additionally, those who work in professions requiring constant speaking (such as teachers, call center employees, and lawyers) may often encounter vocal cord disorders. This is where voice cord filling can be a lifesaver.

Voice cord filling is suitable for:

  • Individuals experiencing hoarseness
  • Those who notice a significant weakening of their voice
  • Individuals with a rough or splintered voice
  • Professionals who use their voice (singers, broadcasters, teachers)
  • People with structural issues in their vocal cords

Signs that may indicate the need for voice cord filling:

  • Frequent hoarseness during speech
  • Difficulties speaking for long periods or quickly getting tired
  • A shaky, rough, or weak voice

How is Voice Cord Filling Performed?

The voice cord filling procedure is performed by a specialized ENT doctor. The procedure is usually carried out under local anesthesia and takes approximately 15-20 minutes. The filler material is injected directly into the vocal cords using a fine needle. This stage requires a delicate technique, as the vocal cords are among the finest and most sensitive structures in the body. After the procedure, the patient can immediately return to their daily life.

Advantages of Voice Cord Filling

One of the greatest advantages of the voice cord filling procedure is that it provides quick results and generally has a low risk of complications. The recovery process after the procedure is fast, and most patients begin to notice a difference in their voice within a few days.

Other important advantages include:

  • Voice cord filling is a non-surgical method.
  • The recovery process is very quick.
  • It can restore the patient’s voice to its former natural state.
  • It provides clearer and stronger voice output during speech.

Are There Any Side Effects of Voice Cord Filling?

Voice cord filling is considered quite safe compared to other filling procedures. However, as with any medical intervention, there may be some small risks and side effects. After the filling procedure, temporary hoarseness or a mild feeling of discomfort may occur. Additionally, although rare, incorrect application of the injection into the vocal cords may lead to changes in voice quality.

Prices of Voice Cord Filling

The prices for voice cord filling procedures vary based on the clinic where the procedure is performed, the type of filler material used, and the doctor’s experience. As of 2025, the average prices for voice cord filling range from 10,000 TL to 25,000 TL.

Post-Procedure Care for Voice Cord Filling

It is crucial to rest the vocal cords after the procedure. For the first few days, avoiding speaking loudly is a critical measure to prevent damage to the vocal cords. Additionally, to prevent throat dryness, it is important to drink plenty of water and avoid smoking during this period.

Recommendations During the Recovery Process of Voice Cord Filling:

  • Rest your voice for the first 24 hours.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Try not to talk too much during this time.

What to Expect After the Voice Cord Filling Procedure?

After the voice cord filling procedure, you will notice a significant improvement in your voice. Specifically, issues like fatigue during speaking, hoarseness, and splintering will decrease. However, since each body reacts differently, results may vary from person to person. Typically, it may take 1-2 weeks to observe the full results.

Prof. Dr. Gediz Murat Serin

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