What are Salivary Glands?

Salivary glands are major salivary glands located in front of the ear (parotid), under the jaw (submandibular), and under the tongue (sublingual). In addition to these, there are hundreds of small salivary glands widely distributed throughout the mouth.

What are Common Diseases of Salivary Glands?

The main diseases seen in salivary glands include infections, stones, and tumors. The most common salivary gland surgeries are performed due to stones and tumors affecting the parotid and submandibular salivary glands. A significant example of salivary gland infection is mumps, a viral disease. Other infections, especially bacterial ones, develop in special circumstances and are treated with medication.

What Anesthesia is Used for Salivary Gland Surgeries?

Salivary gland surgeries are typically performed under general anesthesia in operating room conditions due to benign or malignant tumors. If the stones in the parotid (front of the ear) and submandibular (under the jaw) salivary glands are close to the mouth, they can be removed with local anesthesia. If the stones are deeply located, general anesthesia is preferred.

What are the Characteristics of Parotid Gland Surgery?

The most important point in parotid salivary gland surgeries is the identification and preservation of the five branches of the facial nerve that pass through the salivary gland. This anatomical feature makes parotid gland surgery intricate. During parotid gland surgeries, a special incision is made that starts from the front of the ear, curves back, and extends towards the neck. The surgery can be completed by removing the salivary gland tissues on the surface of the facial nerve, which is referred to as ‘superficial parotidectomy.’ The deeper portion of the facial nerve can also be removed along with the superficial gland, which is called ‘total parotidectomy.’

What Can Be Observed After Parotid Gland Surgery?

After parotid gland surgery, partial and temporary facial nerve paralysis may occur. Though very rarely, permanent facial nerve paralysis can also happen; however, the surgeon’s experience and technological advancements significantly reduce the risk of this complication. During surgery, magnifying glasses or microscopes greatly enlarge the surgical area image. Additionally, nerve stimulators are used during the surgery to safely identify the location of the facial nerve, making parotid gland surgery much safer regarding nerve preservation.

What are the Characteristics of Submandibular Gland Surgery?

Submandibular gland surgery is performed under general anesthesia through a small incision made in the neck. During submandibular salivary gland surgery, partial paralysis of the branch of the facial nerve leading to the corner of the mouth may rarely be observed.

What is Ranula and How is it Treated?

A benign salivary cyst known as ‘ranula’ is specific to the sublingual (under the tongue) salivary gland and requires surgical treatment. Small masses belonging to the minor salivary glands can be found anywhere in the mouth, and their surgeries are specific to those regions.

Prof. Dr. Gediz Murat Serin

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