Endoscopic Ear Surgery: A Modern and Innovative Method

Endoscopic ear surgery is an innovative method frequently used today for treating ear diseases. Compared to traditional microscopic surgery, it offers a less invasive approach, and in some cases, it is used alongside microscopic surgery, making the surgeon’s job easier and increasing the success of the treatment. This method allows surgeons to work with a wider field of view, enabling effective treatment even in difficult-to-reach areas.

The Purpose of Endoscopic Ear Surgery

The main goal of endoscopic ear surgery is to effectively treat disorders occurring in the middle ear. It is particularly used in the following situations:

  • Removal of foreign bodies from the ear canal,
  • Placement of tubes in the eardrum,
  • Repair of eardrum perforations,
  • Cleaning of middle ear infections (including cholesteatoma),
  • Repair or placement of prostheses on the ossicles of the middle ear,
  • Cochlear implant surgery and ear tumor surgery.

How is Endoscopic Ear Surgery Performed?

This method is performed by using an endoscope, a thin camera system, by the surgeon. The endoscope enters through the ear canal and provides a detailed view of the middle ear. Unlike traditional methods, large incisions are not required; small entry points are sufficient. This results in a shorter recovery time and less pain for the patient. Additionally, the clear image provided by the endoscope also reduces the risk of surgical complications.

Advantages of Endoscopic Ear Surgery

Endoscopic ear surgery offers many advantages for both the patient and the surgeon:

  • Less Tissue Damage: Since large incisions are not necessary, recovery time is faster and less painful.
  • Small Scars: Thanks to small entry points, visible scars do not form.
  • Improved View: The endoscope allows surgeons to see even difficult-to-reach areas clearly.
  • Reduced Risk of Complications: Precise interventions reduce side effects and complications.
  • Compatible with Microscopic Surgery: When the two methods are used together, complex cases can be treated successfully.

Endoscopic ear surgery stands out as a powerful tool for surgeons in treating ear diseases, while providing a less traumatic experience for patients. This method is considered one of the impressive advancements of technology in the medical field.

Prof. Dr. Gediz Murat Serin

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